Brazil's navy has ended its search for a priest who vanished more than a week ago while floating over the Atlantic strapped to 1,000 helium-filled balloons in a bid to raise money for charity. The Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli, 41, has been missing since April 20.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Update On Jim Cone RV-12 Build
Jim Cone has finished the left wing of his first-to-build RV-12. Here are his build pictures. Jim claims 99 hours to complete the first wing. His second should go even quicker. Hope Vans gets their follow-up kits going soon.
Posted by
4/29/2008 08:04:00 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
If We Ever Get A Sunny Day In Oregon...
...I just may try this. You can read all about solar balloons here.
Posted by
4/27/2008 07:11:00 AM
Monday, April 21, 2008
Brazilian Priest Floats To Points Unknown On String Of Balloons
Folks, you can't make this stuff up.
According to the AP:
SAO PAULO, Brazil - A Roman Catholic priest who floated off under hundreds of helium party balloons was missing Monday off the southern coast of Brazil.
Rescuers in helicopters and small fishing boats were searching off the coast of Santa Catarina state, where pieces of balloons were found.
Rev. Adelir Antonio de Carli lifted off from the port city of Paranagua on Sunday afternoon, wearing a helmet, thermal suit and a parachute.
He was reported missing about eight hours later after losing contact with port authority officials, according to the treasurer of his Sao Cristovao parish, Denise Gallas.
Gallas said by telephone that the priest wanted to break a 19-hour record for the most hours flying with balloons to raise money for a spiritual rest-stop for truckers in Paranagua, (emphasis added) Brazil's second-largest port for agricultural products.
Posted by
4/21/2008 05:55:00 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
It's SPRINGTIME(?!?!?) In Oregon
Oh-kayyy. Enough winter already!
I took these a little while ago in our "big" town of Stayton. It's the closest city to do any kind of shopping.
Why does it always snow when I'm there? This IS April...isn't it???
Posted by
4/19/2008 05:12:00 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
RV-12 Build Pictures
Yep, Jim Cone got the first RV-12 wing kit and he seems to be flying through construction...if his photos are any indication. If he can get all the component kits in a timely fashion, we may see the first owner-built RV-12 flying by this summer. Jim is a 4-time offender, having built 2 RV-6A's, a -7A and now the -12. With his experience, he may even be flying by the end of spring!
Posted by
4/18/2008 09:48:00 AM
Update 3: Rare 5.4 Earthquake Hits Illinois
If you felt the quake, you can go here to record your observations. There have been no reports of any damage so far.
A record of past Illinois earthquakes can be found here.
CNN is reporting some minor damage in Louisville Kentucky.
Interestingly, today is the 102nd anniversary of the Great San Francisco Earthquake and Fire.
Posted by
4/18/2008 03:05:00 AM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The N-Prize Is Here
A prize has been announced for the launch and orbit of a microsatellite. You can view details here.
Posted by
4/15/2008 11:46:00 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Redrawing The Map Of Oregon (?)
Scientists have measured over 600 earthquakes off the coast of Oregon in the last 10 days. Scientists state, "feedback related to the abrupt earthquake ‘swarm’ suggests that such swarming is generally accepted as a prelude to a volcanic eruption"
Above is a suggested map after the event is over.
Posted by
4/14/2008 03:35:00 PM
Jerald Greenberg Shares His RV-12 Demo Flight
Thank-you Jerry, again, for letting us all experience SnF 2008 and the RV-12.
Jerry wrote: "Here's a 10min 6sec raw video of the "the yellow canary" (N912RV) taking off from Plant City Airport on 4/11/2008. My pilot was "Gus" a very capable pilot & a nice guy who was PIC during my almost 30 minute demo ride. I had control of the plane a few hundred feet after takeoff for a climb out of 70 knots @ 850 fpm.
This RV-12 was a very nice, smooth and comfortable LSA to fly. I've flown high winged Tecnam P-92 Super Echos, a FantasyAir Allegro 2007 and low winged Tecnam Sierra ... my favorite.
The previous slide shows had a picture of the Tecnam Sierra which has a sticker price of $141,000 ... very well decked out, and worth every penny. I felt that the RV-12 performed just as well as the $141,000 bird. (IF Van's Aircraft was on the NYSE ...I'd say BUY)
I performed shallow turns ...a very responsive plane ... easy to keep straight and level ... smooth ... only bumps were my being unable to hold the camera steady (Kodak P880 picture and video camera, no anti-"shake" mechanism built in). Not sure the the proper terminology but the plane just wanted to fly straight and level.
Gus also performed some slow speed, full flaps stall on this video. One of these stalls broke down and to the left (may not be on the vid) ... but was easily fixed by lowering the nose and inputting some left rudder.
My turns felt good ... didn't feel like I was slipping or skidding at all and my feet never activated the rudders. Having never flown a plane with a glass cockpit, I had no idea where the turn coordinator (ball) was anyway!"
Posted by
4/14/2008 01:13:00 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Video: Demo Ride In Prototype #1 RV-12
Thanks to JerryG150 who has been keeping us up-to-date on the RV-12 from SnF 2008.
Posted by
4/12/2008 11:55:00 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
2nd Jerry Greenberg Video of N421RV From SnF 2008
Thanks for taking the time to let us all be there, Jerry!
Posted by
4/09/2008 10:12:00 AM
Hi-resolution stills of the RV-12
Jerry Greenberg has posted a slide show from SnF 2008. VERY heavy on the RV-12 pics (grin).
Thanks for sharing, Jerry.
Note: Jerry has already placed his order for the -12. The photos are excellent. You could almost do a plans-built just from the photos.
Posted by
4/09/2008 10:02:00 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
New RV-12 N412RV Detail Photos
Drool bib alert!
These new photos make me want to blow the budget and start on a wing kit. I still believe that the response to the -12 will be far beyond expectations.
Posted by
4/08/2008 11:25:00 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
RV-12 Price Posted (Sort of...)
The wing kit will be pre-punched and is priced $900.00 less than the RV-9/9A wing kit. I predict that the -12 will outsell every other model in short order.
Am I the only one going over their checkbook to see how soon they can start building?
Posted by
4/07/2008 07:30:00 PM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Video: Boeing Testing New Hydrogen-Powered Plane
A Boeing hydrogen-powered plane is now undergoing testing. Boeing's experimental aircraft is powered by hydrogen fuel cells is off the ground and Boeing said this week it had successful tested the hydrogen propulsion of its new unmanned ISR plane.
The breakthrough is "full of promises for a greener future," Boeing Chief Technology Officer John Tracy told reporters at the company's research center in Ocana, Spain, where the aircraft was on display, according to a report from the Associated Press.
The development was "a historical technological success for Boeing (and) ... full of promises for a greener future," Tracy told the news conference. Boeing said in a statement that, "Using a Ford Motor Company-developed hydrogen engine," it had "successfully tested the hydrogen propulsion system of its High Altitude Long Endurance -- HALE -- unmanned aircraft."
Boeing said the HALE was "designed to stay aloft for more than seven days and carry payloads weighing up to 2,000 pounds. Potential applications include battlefield persistent intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, border observation, port security and telecommunications. The long endurance autonomous aircraft will be a propeller-driven, lightweight structure with a high-aspect-ratio-wing."
Posted by
4/05/2008 11:55:00 AM